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Showing 23904-23952 of 29721 Results
Ovenly is an award-winning bakery headquartered in Greenpoint, Brooklyn. Since 2010, their innovative baked goods have found their way into cafés, restaura...
Ovenly: Sweet and Salty Recipes from New York's Most Creative Bakery
Patinkin, Erin,Kulaga, Agatha
Hardcover , 2014
As Canadian As The Maple Leaf Is How One Observer Summed Up The United Church Of Canada After Its Founding In 1925. But Was This Canadian-made Church Flawed...
A Church with the Soul of a Nation: Making and Remaking the United Church of Canada (McGill-Queen’s Studies in the Hist of Re) (Volume 2)
Airhart, Phyllis D.
paperback , 2013
This book includes step-by-step examples and case studies that teach users the many power tricks for analyzing data in Excel. These tips have been honed by ...
Guerrilla Data Analysis Using Microsoft Excel: 2nd Edition Covering Excel 2010/2013
du Soleil, Oz,Jelen, Bill
Paperback , 2015
Suspecting that your baby or toddler may have autism spectrum disorder or another developmental delay can be scary and overwhelming. But there is a lot you ...
The Activity Kit for Babies and Toddlers at Risk: How to Use Everyday Routines to Build Social and Communication Skills
Fein PhD, Deborah,Helt PhD, Molly,Brennan Edd Bcba-D, Lynn,Barton PhD, Marianne
Paperback , 2015
Demonstrates how the repetitions of ideas and formal structures function both to reinforce concepts and to achieve ideological progression.Categories:
The Narrative Unity of LukeActs: A Literary Interpretation: Volume Two: The Acts of the Apostles
Tannehill, Robert C.
paperback , 1989
The Natural Solution To Diabetes: Featuring The 10 Percent Plan
Laliberte, Richard,Harper, Pat,Petit, William A.
hardcover , 2004
Need to find more time to write--without sacrificing the important things? Looking to consistently discover great book ideas? Wish you could generate a ste...
The Miracle Morning for Writers: How to Build a Writing Ritual That Increases Your Impact and Your Income (Before 8AM)
Elrod, Hal,Corder, Honoree,Scott, Steve,Scott, S.J.
paperback , 2016
It is not unusual for educators today, whether in the early childhood, primary or secondary sectors, to be confronted with severely challenging student beha...
Distressed or Deliberately Defiant?: Managing challenging student behaviour due to trauma and disorganised attachment
Howard, Dr Judith
paperback , 2013
Showing 23904-23952 of 29721 Results