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Showing 19200-19248 of 21132 Results
While automobiles serve as its hub, Cars of the 1950s is more than a mere "car book." Instead, it's a spirited romp through a period that's filled with fond...
Cars of the 50s
Publications International Ltd.,Auto Editors of Consumer Guide
Hardcover , 2008
Houses of Healing: A Prioner' Guide to Inner Power and Freedom
Robin Casarjian
Paperback , 1995
While all runners need to eat well to fuel their performance, most donât have the time to cook complex or labor-intensive meals to meet their unique nutri...
Runner's World Meals on the Run: 150 Energy-Packed Recipes in 30 Minutes or Less: A Cookbook
Editors of Runner's World Maga
Hardcover , 2015
ESSENTIAL SUBJECT REVIEW FOR YOUR TOP MCAT SCORE. This comprehensive, all-in-one resource prepares you for the MCAT with in-depth content reviews, test-con...
The Princeton Review MCAT, 3rd Edition: 4 Practice Tests + Complete Content Coverage
The Princeton Review
Paperback , 2018
The Trinitarian Self Argues That The Insights Of Three Key Authors-soren Kierkegaard, Eric Voegelin, And Rene Girard-can Be Synthesized To Produce A Trinita...
The Trinitarian Self: The Key to the Puzzle of Violence
Bellinger, Charles
Paperback , 2008
In This Book, The Authors Investigate An Array Of Instruments From The 17th To The 19th Century That Seem At First To Be Marginal To Science. By Looking At ...
Instruments and the Imagination (Princeton Legacy Library)
Hankins, Thomas L.,Silverman, Robert J.
hardcover , 1995
When he was assassinated in 1896, Nasir al-Din Shah had sat on the Peacock throne for nearly half a century. A colorful, complex figure, he is frequently po...
The Pivot of the Universe: Nasir al-Din Shah and the Iranian Monarchy, 1831-1896
Amanat, Abbas
Paperback , 2008
This gripping inspirational memoir grapples with the tension between faith and scienceâand between death and hopeâas a seasoned neurosurgeon faces insu...
I've Seen the End of You: A Neurosurgeon's Look at Faith, Doubt, and the Things We Think We Know
Warren, W. Lee
Hardcover , 2020
THE PRINCETON REVIEW GETS RESULTS. Get all the prep you need to ace the Test of English as a Foreign Language with a full-length simulated TOEFL iBT test, a...
Princeton Review TOEFL iBT Prep with Audio/Listening Tracks, 2023: Practice Test + Audio + Strategies & Review (2023)
The Princeton Review
Paperback , 2023
A Song of Ice and Fire, Book Three: As a whole, this series comprises a genuine masterpiece of modern fantasy, bringing together the best the genre has to...
A Storm of Swords: A Song of Ice and Fire: Book Three
Martin, George R. R.
Hardcover , 2000
This volume forms the third part of one of the finest general introductions to the medieval world of prevailing times. Lavishly illustrated, with numerous a...
The Cambridge Illustrated History of the Middle Ages: Volume III, 1250–1520
Fossier, Robert (ed)
Hardcover , 1986
The fourth edition of Canadian Cities in Transition: New Directions in the Twenty-First Century has been completely revised and updated to reflect the most ...
Canadian Cities in Transition: New Directions in the Twenty-First Century
Bunting, Trudi,Filion, Pierre,Walker, Ryan
Paperback , 2010
It was one of the biggest scandals in New York University history. Professor John Buettner-Janusch, chair of the Anthropology Department, was convicted of m...
Strange Case of the Mad Professor: A True Tale Of Endangered Species, Illegal Drugs, And Attempted Murder
Kobel, Peter
Hardcover , 2013
Jean-Baptiste-Joseph Delambre and Pierre-Francois-Andre Mechain set out from Paris in 1792 with a common goal. headed in opposite directions, they hoped to...
The Measure of All Things: The Seven-Year Odyssey and Hidden Error That Transformed the World
Alder, Ken
paperback , 2003
For advanced undergraduate and beginning graduate students in atmospheric, oceanic, and climate science, Atmosphere, Ocean and Climate Dynamics is an introd...
Atmosphere, Ocean and Climate Dynamics: An Introductory Text
Marshall, John,Plumb, R. Alan
Paperback , 2007
Showing 19200-19248 of 21132 Results