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Showing 1152-1200 of 1352 Results
Here are the most remarkable stories imaginable of maroons, castaways, and other survivors from the 1500s to the present - their moral dilemmas, their per...
Desperate Journeys, Abandoned Souls: True Stories of Castaways and Other Survivors
Leslie, Edward E.
Paperback , 1998
Gripping and sumptuous, this is the definitive book on the history, mystique, and science of Mount Everest, including how climate change is impacting the wo...
Call of Everest, The: The History, Science, and Future of the World's Tallest Peak
Mcdonald, Bernadette
Hardcover , 2013
Physiology Of Sport And Exercise, Sixth Edition, Frames Research Findings In Physiology In A Reader-friendly Format, Making This Textbook A Favorite Of Inst...
Physiology of Sport and Exercise
Kenney, W. Larry,Wilmore, Jack H.,Costill, David L.
Hardcover , 2015
Since The Founding Of The First Hospital By The Augustine Nuns In 1637, Nurses Have Contributed Greatly To The Quality Of Life Of Canadians. From The Midwiv...
On All Frontiers: Four Centuries of Canadian Nursing
Christina Bates (Editor)
paperback , 2005
Unique in the field, this new reference provides up-to-the-minute coverage of the fast-growing areas of esthetic orthodontic treatment planning, orthognathi...
Molecular Biology of the Cell
Alberts, Bruce,Johnson, Alexander,Lewis, Julian,Raff, Martin,Roberts, Keith,Walter, Peter
hardcover , 2002
Microelectronic Circuit Design is known for being a technically excellent text. The new edition has been revised to make the material more motivating and a...
Microelectronic Circuit Design with CD-ROM
Jaeger, Richard C,Blalock, Travis
Hardcover , 2003
Physical Geography: The Global Environment introduces students to the Earth and the way in which human interaction has shaped the Earth's evolution. In this...
Physical Geography: The Global Environment
de Blij, H. J.,Muller, Peter O.,Williams, Richard S.,Conrad, Catherine T.,Long, Peter
Hardcover , 2009
NewOut of stock
An introvert spends a year trying to live like an extrovert with hilarious results and advice for readers along the way.What would happen if a shy introver...
Sorry I'm Late, I Didn't Want to Come: One Introvert's Year of Saying Yes
Pan, Jessica
Paperback , 2019
Ninety-nine percent of the time, the world spins like a top, the skies are clear, and your refrigerator is full of good food. But the world is a volatile p...
The Disaster Preparedness Handbook: A Guide for Families
Bradley, Arthur T.
Paperback , 2011
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In analyzing the obstacles to democratization in post- independence Africa, Mahmood Mamdani offers a bold, insightful account of colonialism's legacy--a bif...
Citizen and Subject: Contemporary Africa and the Legacy of Late Colonialism (Princeton Series in Culture/Power/History)
Mamdani, Mahmood
Paperback , 1996
In the second of a proposed three-volume study, John and Jean Comaroff continue their exploration of colonial evangelism and modernity in South Africa. Mo...
Of Revelation and Revolution, Volume 2: The Dialectics of Modernity on a South African Frontier
Comaroff, John L.,Comaroff, Jean
Paperback , 1997
Combining richly detailed empirical research on transnational connections with bold and imaginative theoretical argument, this innovative study offers fres...
Disabling Globalization: Places of Power in Post-Apartheid South Africa
Hart, Gillian Patricia
Paperback , 2002
100 Nature Hot Spots in Ontario is a reader-friendly guidebook that explores the remarkable splendor and diversity of the province named after the Iroquoi...
100 Nature Hot Spots in Ontario: The Best Parks, Conservation Areas and Wild Places
Earley, Chris,Read, Tracy
Paperback , 2016
Most children learn to stop throwing temper tantrums, talking back, and refusing to go to bed or take a bath at an early age. But some children have troubl...
I'm Not Bad, I'm Just Mad: A Workbook to Help Kids Control Their Anger
Shapiro PhD, Lawrence E.,Pelta-Heller, Zack,Greenwald, Anna F.
Paperback , 2008
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About the Author\Yunus A. Ãengel (Turkey) is Professor Emeritus of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Nevada, Reno.\Michael Boles (Raleigh, NC) is...
Thermodynamics: An Engineering Approach
Cengel, Yunus A.,Boles, Michael A.
Paperback , 2006
The Federal Aviation Administrationâs Airplane Flying Handbook provides pilots, student pilots, aviation instructors, and aviation specialists with infor...
Airplane Flying Handbook (Federal Aviation Administration): FAA-H-8083-3B
Federal Aviation Administration
Paperback , 2017
The pressure is on. Principals, expected to improve math performance at their schools, often don't know where to beginas they may be uncomfortable with mat...
The School Leader’s Guide to Building and Sustaining Math Success
Small, Marian,Duff, Doug
Paperback , 2018
Showing 1152-1200 of 1352 Results