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Showing 1-29 of 29 Results
A Walmart greeter, a nurse, and an astronaut walk into a church. . . .They each bring with them their own exhaustions and exasperations, their own uncertain...
Every Job a Parable: What Walmart Greeters, Nurses, and Astronauts Tell Us about God
Van Sloten, John,Sloten, John Van
Paperback , 2017
Every thought you have creates or reinforces already-created negative or positive beliefs in your heart. These beliefs are the main controllers of our thou...
Guarding Your Child's Heart: Establish Your Child's Faith Through Scripture Memory and Meditation
Smalley, Gary
Paperback , 2010
do You Feel Like You're Limping Along Rather Than Running The Race? Running The Race Of Faith Is Not Without Its Stops And Starts. Sometimes You Hit Rough...
To Run and Not Grow Tired: Restoring Your Faith in Times of Trauma, Hurt, or Depression
Sciacca, Fran
Paperback , 1990
You know what sex is. You've heard other kids talking about it, and maybe you've heard it talked about on TV. But TV doesn't tell you everything, and you p...
What's The Big Deal
Jones, Stanton L.;Jones, Stan;Jones, Brenna;Jones, Brenna B.
Paperback , 1994
Showing 1-29 of 29 Results