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Showing 26928-26976 of 28441 Results
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The author of Barbarians at the Gate uncovers the secret operation involving spies, private eyes, double agents, and dragon ladies that American Express put...
Vendetta: American Express and the Smearing of Edmond Safra
Burrough, Bryan
Hardcover , 1992
The Vengeance of the Black Donnellys is a fictionalized tale that picks up where The Black Donnellys left off -- at the grim scene of their common grave. ...
Vengeance of the Black Donnellys: Canada's Most Feared Family Strikes Back from the Grave
Kelley, Thomas
Paperback , 1995
When You React, The Event Controls You. When You Respond, You're In Control. Verbal Judo Is The Classic Guide To The Martial Art Of The Mind And Mouth That ...
Verbal Judo, Second Edition: The Gentle Art of Persuasion
Thompson PhD, George J.
Paperback , 2013
Get up to speed on Git for tracking, branching, merging, and managing code revisions. Through a series of step-by-step tutorials, this practical guide takes...
Version Control with Git: Powerful tools and techniques for collaborative software development
Loeliger, Jon,McCullough, Matthew
Paperback , 2012
What will it take to see a fresh wave of Godâs power crash over the nations?
The earth is shaking. The church is suffering from compromise and powerlessn...
Vessels of Fire and Glory: Breaking Demonic Spells Over America to Release a Great Awakening
Mario Murillo
paperback , 2019
An investigative reporter details the involvement of organized crime in supposedly legitimate businesses and reveals a pattern of bribery, blackmail, and vi...
Vicious Circles: The Mafia's Control of the American Marketplace, Food, Clothing, Transportation, Finance
Kwitny, Jonathan
Hardcover , 1979
Drawing On Victoria's Own Diaries, Which She First Started Reading When She Was A Student At Cambridge University, Daisy Goodwin Brings Us The Brilliantly I...
Victoria: A novel of a young queen by the Creator/Writer of the Masterpiece Presentation on PBS
Goodwin, Daisy
Hardcover , 2016
National Bestseller Victoriais An Absolutely Captivating Novel Of Youth, Love, And The Often Painful Transition From Immaturity To Adulthood. Daisy Goodwin ...
Victoria: A novel of a young queen by the Creator/Writer of the Masterpiece Presentation on PBS
Goodwin, Daisy
Paperback , 2016
Containing the most extensive listing of movies available on home video and DVD - more than 29,000 in all - and a multitude of cross-referencing within its...
VideoHound's Golden Movie Retriever 2019: The Complete Guide to Movies on VHS, DVD, and Hi-Def Formats
Paperback , 2018
Showing 26928-26976 of 28441 Results