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Showing 20160-20208 of 28622 Results
[v.1. Student Text] -- [v.2] Test Manual : Tests Of Basic Reading Skills / By Joseph Brzeinski And Hugh Schoephoerster -- [v.3] Practice Book For Tapestry (...
Tapestry (Houghton Mifflin Reading Series)
William K. Durr,Jean M. LePere,Bess Niehaus,Barbara York
Hardcover , 1976
There is a fruit called the Richardella-dulcisica, better known as the taste-berry. When eaten, it causes the taste buds to experience all food eaten after...
Taste Berry Tales: Stories to Lift the Spirit, Enlarge the Heart and Feed the Soul
Youngs, Bettie B.
Paperback , 1998
Taylor the Thankful Turkey is an easy-to-read children's book about giving thanks and being grateful.The goal of this book is to teach kids that being thank...
Taylor the Thankful Turkey: A children's book about being thankful (Thanksgiving book for kids)
Ellis, Sonica
Paperback , 2021
The precocious cousins from the ELLEN show host a princess tea party!
Following their breakout performance of Nicki Minaj's "Super Bass" on the ELLEN show...
Tea Time with Sophia Grace and Rosie
Brownlee, Sophia Grace,McClelland, Rosie
Hardcover , 2013
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* Is your child halfway through first grade and still unable to read?
⢠Is your preschooler bored with coloring and ready for reading?
⢠Are you worr...
Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons: Revised and Updated Second Edition
Haddox, Phyllis,Bruner, Elaine,Engelmann, Siegfried
paperback , 1986
A comprehensive set of tools for achieving lasting results and sustaining a professional learning community! To help sustain the ongoing success of profess...
Teacher Teams That Get Results: 61 Strategies for Sustaining and Renewing Professional Learning Communities
Gregory, Gayle
Paperback , 2007
Let poet Paul Janeczko guide you through ten fun forms of poetry kids will love! Teaching poetry becomes a total joy with this renowned poetâs insights, e...
Teaching 10 Fabulous Forms of Poetry: Great Lessons, Brainstorming Sheets, and Organizers for Writing Haiku, Limericks, Cinquains, and Other Kinds of Poetry Kids Love: Grade 4-8
Janeczko, Paul B
Paperback , 2000
In Teaching and Christian Practices several university professors describe and reflect on their efforts to allow historic Christian practices to reshape and...
Teaching and Christian Practices: Reshaping Faith and Learning
Smith, David I.,Smith, James K.A.
paperback , 2011
Teaching Christianity is the most original book Augustine ever wrote. It is not so much a treatise or scholarly work but an instruction manual on how to tea...
Teaching Christianity (Vol. I/11) (The Works of Saint Augustine: A Translation for the 21st Century)
Saint Augustine
Paperback , 1995
Showing 20160-20208 of 28622 Results