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Showing 19488-19536 of 31798 Results
In this insightful workbook companion to Forgotten God, Francis Chan reminds us of the true source of the church's power: the Holy Spirit. Offering a compe...
Remembering the Forgotten God: An Interactive Workbook for Individual and Small Group Study
Chan, Francis,Beuving, Mark
Paperback , 2010
Near the end of her classic wartime account, Susie King Taylor writes, "there are many people who do not know what some of the colored women did during the...
Reminiscences of My Life in Camp: An African American Woman's Civil War Memoir
Taylor, Susie King
Paperback , 2006
Kickstart and keep up your kidney health with this complete renal diet guide.
Figuring out what you can and cannot eat when you or someone you care for is ...
Renal Diet Cookbook for the Newly Diagnosed: The Complete Guide to Managing Kidney Disease and Avoiding Dialysis
Zogheib MHS RD LDN, Susan
Paperback , 2017
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On The Night Of September 6, 2011, Terror Called At The Amish Home Of The Millers. Answering A Late-night Knock From What Appeared To Be An Amish Neighbor, ...
Renegade Amish: Beard Cutting, Hate Crimes, and the Trial of the Bergholz Barbers
Kraybill, Donald B.
Hardcover , 2014
From Former Illinois Congressman Adam Kinzinger, A Gripping Account Of The January 6 Committee, Examining The Forces That Led To The Attacks On The Capitol....
Renegade: Defending Democracy and Liberty in Our Divided Country
Kinzinger, Adam,D'Antonio, Michael
hardcover , 2023
Don't just be a Christian. Be like Jesus. "Keep vigilant watch over your heart; that's where life starts." Proverbs 4:23, The Message We don't bec...
Renovation of the Heart for Students: Putting on the Character of Christ
Willard, Dallas,Frazee, Randy
Paperback , 2005
want to put a hideaway bedroom in the house? need more storage? what about fix a leak without paying professional fees?
Repair and Renovate Your Home
Julian Cassell, Peter Parham, Mark Corke, Mike Lawrence
Hardcover , 2003
Presents an investigation of the claims presented in "Communion," Whitley Strieber's account of an extraterrestrial abduction, discussing the significance o...
Report on Communion: An Independent Investigation of and Commentary on Whitley Strieber's Communion
Conroy, Ed
hardcover , 1989
Introduction : Thinking Critically, Challenging Cultural Myths -- 1. Harmony At Home -- The Myth Of The Model Family -- Looking For Work / Gary Soto -- What...
Rereading America: Cultural Contexts for Critical Thinking and Writing
Colombo, Gary,Cullen, Robert,Lisle, Bonnie
Paperback , 2016
Intended As A Senior Undergraduate And Graduate Text, Research As Resistance Brings Together The Theory And Practice Of Critical, Indigenous, And Anti-oppre...
Research as Resistance: Critical, Indigenous, and Anti-Oppressive Approaches
Brown, Leslie; Strega, Susan
paperback , 2005
Lydia and Julie are best friends with one goal: to crack the code of popularity. Lydiaâs the bold one: aspiring theater star, stick-fighting enthusiast, a...
Research for the Social Improvement and General Betterment of Lydia Goldblatt and Julie Graham-Chang (The Popularity Papers #1): Volume 1: 01
Ignatow, Amy
paperback , 2011
this Accessible Text Offers An Abundance Of Engaging Examples And Provides Step-by-step Instructions To Illustrate Common Research Methods And Techniques,...
Research Methods for Public Administrators (5th Edition)
O'Sullivan, Elizabeth,Rassel, Gary R.,Berner, Maureen
Paperback , 2007
Bestselling statistics author, Fredrick J. Gravetter, and co-author Lori-Ann B. Forzano have written a text for research methods that helps students see how...
Research Methods for the Behavioral Sciences, 4th Edition
Gravetter, Frederick J,Forzano, Lori-Ann B.
Hardcover , 2010
This rewritten, expanded and updated 7th edition of the long-running bestseller Research Methods in Education encompasses the whole range of methods curre...
Research Methods in Education
Cohen, Louis,Manion, Lawrence,Morrison, Keith
Paperback , 2011
build A Strong Foundation For Reading Success! Based On Current Research And Fine-tuned In K-3 Classrooms, These 25 Lessons Provide Direct Instruction As We...
Research-Based Reading Lessons for K 3: Phonemic Awareness, Phonics, Fluency, Vocab
McLaughlin, Maureen
Paperback , 2005
Residential Housing & Interiors acquaints students with planning, building, decorating, and landscaping a home, and working in the housing industry.
Residential Housing and Interiors
Kicklighter Ed. D., Clois E.,Kicklighter, Joan C.
Hardcover , 2004
These Days It's Hard To Count On The World Outside. So It's Vital To Grow Strengths Inside Like Grit, Gratitude, And Compassion---the Key To Resilience, And...
Resilient: How to Grow an Unshakable Core of Calm, Strength, and Happiness
Hanson PhD, Rick,Hanson, Forrest
Hardcover , 2018
Showing 19488-19536 of 31798 Results