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Showing 5568-5616 of 28441 Results
At The Heart Of Dealing With Difficult People Is Handling Their--and Your Own--emotions. How Do You Stay Calm In A Tough Conversation? How Do You Get Past P...
Dealing with Difficult People (HBR Emotional Intelligence Series)
Review, Harvard Business,Schwartz, Tony,Gerzon, Mark,Weeks, Holly,Gallo, Amy
Paperback , 2018
'If you've watched your parents get divorced, you know how much it stinks. A lot of times there's blame, anger, frustration, confusion, fear, and a ton of ...
Dealing with Divorce Participant's Guide: Finding Direction When Your Parents Split Up
Oates, Elizabeth
Paperback , 2009
A Prairie as Wide as the Sea is one of the Dear Canada series, which are historical novels, written in diary format, about fictional girls during different ...
Dear Canada: A Prairie as Wide as the Sea: The Immigrant Diary of Ivy Weatherall, Milorie, Saskatchewan, 1926
Ellis, Sarah
Hardcover , 2001
A Season for Miracles: Twelve Tales of Christmas [hardcover] Sarah Ellis,Sharon Stewart,Julie Lawson,Jan Andrews,Maxine Trottier,Carol Matas,Jean Little,Gil...
Dear Canada: A Season for Miracles
Little, Jean,Lawson, Julie,Bradford, Karleen,Matas, Carol,Pearson, Kit,Lunn, Janet,Ellis, Sarah,Chan
Hardcover , 2006
About the Author\MAXINE TROTTIER has both French Canadian and First Nations ancestry, and is an avid historical re-enactor, making her the perfect choice to...
Dear Canada: Blood Upon Our Land: The North West Resistance Diary of Josephine Bouvier, Batoche, District of Saskatchewan, 1885
Trottier, Maxine
Hardcover , 2009
In 1815, After Immigrating From Scotland To Canada, Thirteen-year-old Isobel Chronicles Her Family's Experiences As They Adjust To Their New Home In Rupert'...
Dear Canada: Footsteps In the Snow: The Red River Diary of Isobel Scott, Rupert's Land, 1815
Matas, Carol
Hardcover , 2002
In these eleven original stories, characters bravely face the challenges of settling into a new life. In this wonderful new short story anthology, eleven ...
Dear Canada: Hoping for Home
Little, Jean,Slipperjack, Ruby,Pearson, Kit,Yee, Paul,Doyle, Brian,Clermont, Marie-Andrée,Tanaka, Sh
Hardcover , 2011
In 1897, In Guelph, Ontario, Eleven-year-old Victoria Chronicles Her Family's Experiences When They Take In Twelve-year-old Mary Anna, An Orphan, Who Has Be...
Dear Canada: Orphan at My Door: The Home Child Diary of Victoria Cope, Guelph, Ontario, 1897
Little, Jean
Hardcover , 2001
NewOut of stock
The heart-wrenching story of one girl's experience at a Ukrainian internment camp in Quebec during World War IAnya's family emigrates from the Ukraine hopin...
Dear Canada: Prisoners in the Promised Land: The Ukrainian Internment Diary of Anya Soloniuk, Spirit Lake, Quebec, 1914
Forchuk Skrypuch, Marsha
Hardcover , 2007
Product Description When Mary's family sides with the British against the American rebels, they are branded traitors and forced to flee their home. All...
Dear Canada: With Nothing But Our Courage: The Loyalist Diary of Mary MacDonald, Johnstown, Quebec, 1783
Bradford, Karleen
Hardcover , 2002
An instant feminist classic, and perfect gift for all parents, women, and people working towards gender equality. Here is a brilliant, beautifully readable...
Dear Ijeawele, or A Feminist Manifesto in Fifteen Suggestions
Adichie, Chimamanda Ngozi
Hardcover , 2017
Showing 5568-5616 of 28441 Results