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Showing 26208-26256 of 26544 Results
a People And A Nation Is A Best-selling Text Offering A Spirited Narrative That Tells The Stories Of All People In The United States. The Authors? Attenti...
A People and a Nation : A History of the United States
Tuttle, William,Tuttle, William,Katzman, David M.,Katzman, David M.,Blight, David W.,Logevall, Fredr
hardcover , 2004
Title: The R.G.S. Story, Vol. V - Rico and the Mines
Collman, Russ; Dell A. McCoy; William R. Graves
Hardcover , 1996
Combining Readings With Canadian Case-law, This Collection Introduces Students To The Principles Of Social And Political Thought And Their Relevance To Cont...
Introduction to Social and Political Philosophy: Texts and Cases
Omid Payrow Shabani & Monique Deveaux
Paperback , 2014
Bell et al’s Environmental Psychology is considered to be the most authoritative textbook available for this course. It is the only environmental psycholo...
Environmental Psychology
Bell, Paul A.,Greene, Thomas C.,Fisher, Jeffrey D.,Baum, Andrew S.
hardcover , 2005
Theoretical Basis of Occupational Therapy, Third Edition shows the results of an exhaustive review of international peer-reviewed literature in occupationa...
Theoretical Basis of Occupational Therapy
McColl, Mary Ann,Law, Mary C.,Debra, Stewart
paperback , 2015
This Illustrated Book Is The First To Explore Darwin's Links With Artistic Traditions And His Impact On The Visual Arts In Europe And America In The Ninetee...
Endless Forms: Charles Darwin, Natural Science, and the Visual Arts
Donald, Diana,Munro, Jane,Munro, Jane
Hardcover , 2009
NOTE: This ISBN does not Include Access code. This is a Standalone bookCommitted to Excellence in the Landmark Tenth Edition. This edition continues the ev...
Raven, Peter H,Johnson Professor, George B,Mason Dr. Ph.D., Kenneth A.,Losos Dr., Jonathan,Singer, S
Hardcover , 2013
Abridgement Of Kaplan & Sadock's Synopsis Of Psychiatry / Benjamin James Sadock, Virginia Alcott Sadock, Pedro Ruiz. 11th Edition. 2015.Categories:
Kaplan and Sadock's Concise Textbook of Clinical Psychiatry
Sadock, Benjamin,Sadock MD, Virginia A.,Ruiz MD, Pedro
Paperback , 2017
This Book Covers Topics In Aphasia, Motor Speech Disorders, And Dementia. Organized By Symptom Rather Than Syndrome, This Text Provides A Foundation For Und...
Aphasia and Related Neurogenic Communication Disorders
Papathanasiou, Ilias,Coppens, Patrick,Potagas, Constantin
Paperback , 2011
Covering philosophy of religion, theory of knowledge, philosophy of mind, freedom and determinism, and ethics, this textbook presents some 70 selections dra...
Introduction to Philosophy: Classical and Contemporary Readings
Pojman, Louis P.,Fieser, James
Paperback , 2007
This Comprehensive And Much-needed Resource Helps Health Care Ethicists To Meet The Demand Of Challenges Such As Managed Care, Medical Technology, And Patie...
Organizational Ethics in Health Care: Principles, Cases, and Practical Solutions
Boyle, Philip J.,DuBose, Edwin R.,Ellingson, Stephen J.,Guinn, David E.,McCurdy, David B.
hardcover , 2001
The State of the Union is no ordinary speech on at least two accounts: it is a fundamental statement of how a president approaches current policy debates, a...
Addressing the State of the Union: The Evolution And Impact of the Presidents's Big Speech
Hoffman, Donna R.,Howard, Alison D.
Hardcover , 2006
Community Psychology, 5/e focuses on the prevention of problems, the promotion of well-being, empowerment of members within a community, the appreciation o...
Community Psychology
Moritsugu, John,Vera, Elizabeth,Wong, Frank Y,Duffy, Karen
Paperback , 2013
Note:This ISBN is a workbook.This combined workbook/laboratory manual contains both acquisition activities and practice activities for use outside the clas...
WBLM for Deux mondes (Cahier d'exercices)
Terrell, Tracy D.,Kerr, Betsy J.,Rogers, Mary B.,Santore, Françoise,Schane, Sanford
Paperback , 2012
Macroeconomics: Institutions, Instability, and the Financial System integrates the modern monetary framework--based on the 3-equation model of the demand si...
Macroeconomics: Institutions Instability & the Financial Syste: Institutions, Instability, and the Financial System
paperback , 2014
Using A Consistent Skinnerian Perspective, This Book Provides An Advanced Introduction To The Principles Of Behavior Analysis And Learned Behaviors, Coverin...
Behavior Analysis and Learning: A Biobehavioral Approach, Sixth Edition
Pierce, W. David,Cheney, Carl D.
Hardcover , 2017
V. 1. Cells, Genetics, And Evolution (chapters 1-24) James Morris, Daniel Hartl, Andrew Knoll, Robert Lue [and 5 Others]. Complementary, Not For Sale--cover...
Biology: How Life Works
Morris, James,Hartl, Daniel,Knoll, Andrew,Lue, Robert,Michael, Melissa
Hardcover , 2015
For 75 years, few textbooks have served a topic as well as Introduction to Forests and Renewable Resources. Widely recognized for its comprehensive yet eng...
Introduction to Forests and Renewable Resources
Hendee, John C.,Dawson, Chad P.,Sharpe, Wenonah F.
Paperback , 2012
This book of High Climbers and Timber Fallers on the North Coast of California captures the essence of the modern old growth industry from the latter 1970's...
High Climbers and Timber Fallers (From Old Growth Logging to second Growth Management)
GF Beranek
Hardcover , 2008
Working Memory Refers To How We Keep Track Of What We Are Doing Moment To Moment Throughout Our Waking Lives. This Book Brings Together In One Volume, State...
Working Memory: The state of the science
Logie, Robert,Camos, Valerie,Cowan, Nelson
hardcover , 2021
ONE copy of Special MOVIE-Photos Edition ð¬ Why the Nativity?: 25 Compelling Reasons We Celebrate the Birth of Jesus ð Softcover Book by Dr. David Jere...
Special MOVIE-Photos Edition 🎬 Why the Nativity? 25 Compelling Reasons We Celebrate the Birth of Jesus 🎁 Softcover Book by Dr. David Jeremiah
Dr. David Jeremiah
Paperback , 2022
Le "Guide de l'examen clinique" de Barbara Bates reste une référence d 'apprentissage pour les étudiants en médecine qui doivent acquérir un savoir-fai...
Guide de l'examen clinique 7e édition française - 11e édition américaine
Bates, Barbara,Bickley, Lynn S.
Paperback , 2014
Showing 26208-26256 of 26544 Results