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Showing 25968-26016 of 28832 Results
Written by a mom and registered dietitian who specializes in family nutrition, 101 Healthiest Foods for Kids is an interactive guide for parents and kids t...
101 Healthiest Foods for Kids: Eat the Best, Feel the Greatest - Healthy Foods for Kids, and Recipes Too!
Kuzemchak, Sally
Paperback , 2018
John Kotter's international bestseller Leading Change struck a powerful chord with legions of managers everywhere. It acknowledged the cynicism, pain, and ...
The Heart of Change: Real-Life Stories of How People Change Their Organizations
Kotter, John P.,Cohen, Dan S.
Hardcover , 2012
The California Gardenerâs Resource is filled with need-to-know information from popular gardening experts who include their collective wisdom in one compl...
California Gardener's Handbook: Your Complete Guide: Select - Plan - Plant - Maintain - Problem-solve
Asakawa, Bruce
Paperback , 2013
A Concise Paperback Based On Maxfield/babbie's Best-selling, Research Methods For Criminal Justice And Criminology, This 'basics' Version Combines Accessibi...
Basics of Research Methods for Criminal Justice and Criminology
Maxfield, Michael G.,Babbie, Earl R.
Paperback , 2011
A structured curriculum of classroom-ready lessons, practices, and worksheets for actualizing a powerful new educational paradigm: student mindfulness. Thi...
The Mindful Education Workbook: Lessons for Teaching Mindfulness to Students
Rechtschaffen, Daniel J.
paperback , 2016
Confronting the woeful legacy of a centuriesâ-old theology, Johnson shows how the beauty of our faith tradition is deepened by being rooted in ecological ...
Creation and the Cross: The Mercy of God for a Planet in Peril
Johnson, Elizabeth A.
paperback , 2019
Navigate the complex decisions and critical relationships necessary to create and sustain a healthy family business—and business family. Though "family bu...
Harvard Business Review Family Business Handbook: How to Build and Sustain a Successful, Enduring Enterprise (HBR Handbooks)
Baron, Josh,Lachenauer, Rob
paperback , 2021
The result of more than fifteen years of research, this outstanding reference work contains concise quotes from the Edgar Cayce readings on 264 topics. It ...
The Edgar Cayce Companion: A Comprehensive Treatise of the Edgar Cayce Readings
Frejer, B Ernest,Cayce, Edgar
Paperback , 1996
Systematizing your entire process of filling vacancies could mean the difference of millions of dollars in staying power, and thousands of dollars in money ...
The Filling Vacancies Toolbox: A Step-By-Step Guide for Ontario Real Estate Investors and Landlords for Renting Out Residential Real Estate
D'Souza, Quentin
Paperback , 2014
Showing 25968-26016 of 28832 Results