Religion & Spirituality
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Showing 3648-3696 of 3800 Results
There's more to meditation than just rhythmically chanting "Om" in a seated position - inner calm can be achieved through the simplest of actions, such as m...
Meditation Made Easy: More Than 50 Exercises for Peace, Relaxation, and Mindfulness
Bentley, Preston
Hardcover , 2015
With 16 colour pages,Veda explores the secrets of spirituality found in the ancient writings of the East. Covering topics like the soul,Karma,reincarnation,...
Veda Secrets from the East
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada,Disciples
Hardcover , 2009
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OPEN YOUR EYES to a WHOLE NEW WORLD Beyond our normal senses there lies another dimension morereal and lasting than anything we can imagine. It is a world...
Angels and Demons: The Complete Guide to Understanding How They Operate
Phillips DMin, Ron
Paperback , 2015
Although 90 percent of us pray, very few of us feel as if we have mastered prayer. A Year of Living Prayerfully is a fascinating, humorous, globe-trotting e...
A Year of Living Prayerfully: How A Curious Traveler Met the Pope, Walked on Coals, Danced with Rabbis, and Revived His Prayer Life
Brock, Jared
Paperback , 2016
A comprehensive, practical, and authoritative guide to the method developed by Iyengar. 100 key postures with detailed step-by-step instructions and photogr...
Yoga: The Iyengar Way: The New Definitive Illustrated Guide
Mehta, Silva,Mehta, Mira,Mehta, Shyam
Paperback , 1990
After her husband died of cancer, 57-year-old Rosie set off to run around the world, raising money in memory of the man she loved. Followed by wolves, knoc...
Just A Little Run Around The World: 5 Years, 3 Packs of Wolves and 53 Pairs of Shoes
Swale, Rosie
Paperback , 2009
How can Christians today interact with those around them in a way that shows respect to those whose beliefs are radically different but that also remains fa...
Uncommon Ground: Living Faithfully in a World of Difference
Keller, Timothy,Inazu, John
Paperback , 2020
Discusses The History Of Israel During Old Testament Times And Examines Economic And Political Factors. The Setting -- The Question Of Origins -- Before Any...
A History of Ancient Israel and Judah
Miller, J. Maxwell,Hayes, John Haralson
Hardcover , 1986
"You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free" (John 8:32 niv).It's Jesus's promise to you--the promise that you will live triumphantly. But wha...
Victory Over the Darkness Study Guide: Realize the Power of Your Identity in Christ
Anderson, Neil
paperback , 2020
Discover the shamanic powers within each of us⢠Explores ayahuasca rituals in the Amazon, messages from power animals and plant spirits, intuitive dreams,...
The Gift of Shamanism: Visionary Power, Ayahuasca Dreams, and Journeys to Other Realms
Beery, Itzhak
Paperback , 2015
Christian communities are a lot like families, so itâs only natural for individuals to show their love and concern by visiting fellow parishioners who ar...
A Hospital Visitor's Handbook: The Do's and Don'ts of Hospital Visitation
Kirkwood, Neville A.
paperback , 2006
Step Up to God's Calling!\How does God want to use you? Not your parents. Not your pastor. Not your friend with all the social media followers. You!\The Old...
Your Time Is Now Devotional: Daily Inspirations to Go Get What God Has Given You
Evans, Jonathan
paperback , 2022
Some Christians Believe Strongly In The Existence Of Demons And Spiritual Warfare. Others Downplay Or Even Ignore The Idea. With Such Divergent Views, How A...
The Invisible War: What Every Believer Needs to Know about Satan, Demons, and Spiritual Warfare
Ingram, Chip
paperback , 2015
Find the knowledge and inspiration you desire with this collection of Scott CunninghamâÂÂs spells, essays, and rituals-collected for the first time from...
Cunningham's Magical Sampler: Collected Writings and Spells from the Renowned Wiccan Author
Regula, deTraci,Cunningham, Scott,Harrington, David
paperback , 2012
Connie Pike, a Speech-Language Pathologist, was diagnosed with Spasmodic Dysphonia in 2005. She was able to learn to mange this condition and overcome all h...
Free to Speak: Overcoming Spasmodic Dysphonia: A Non-Drug Holistic Rehabilitation Model
Pike, Connie M.
Paperback , 2005
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Does The Bible Predict An Asteroid...or Something Else? This Book Will Challenge Your Interpretation Of End-times Theology And Help You Sharpen Your Underst...
The Wormwood Prophecy: NASA, Donald Trump, and a Cosmic Cover-up of End-Time Proportions
Horn, Thomas
Paperback , 2019
Proclaim the words of the Lord!
There are words from Heaven that the King of kings wants you to decree! Like Jesus, believers must listen for the Fatherâ...
The Daily Decree: Bringing Your Day Into Alignment with God's Prophetic Destiny
Kunneman, Brenda
paperback , 2019
Indexes the King James BibleCategories:
Religion & Spirituality
Christian Books & Bibles
Bible Study & ReferenceConcordances
The New Strongs Exhaustive Concordance of the Bib: Classic Edition
Strong, James
Hardcover , 1990
180 days--that's the critical time every pastor has to establish their role in a new church position to onboard successfully. That first six months can make...
Every Pastor's First 180 Days: How to Start and Stay Strong in a New Church Job
Stone, Charles
paperback , 2019
Showing 3648-3696 of 3800 Results