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Showing 1920-1968 of 2347 Results
Conversations with God Book 1 began a series that has been changing millions of lives for more than ten years. Finally, the bestselling series is now a mov...
Conversations with God: An Uncommon Dialogue, Book 1
Walsch, Neale Donald
Hardcover , 1996
Laymanâs Bible Survey explores the major periods of biblical history, showing how the different sections of scripture play a part in the grand scheme of ...
Layman's Bible Survey: An Illustrated, "Big Picture" Guide to All of God's Word
Knight, George W.
Paperback , 2016
365 Devotions to Unlock the Blessings in Godâs Word
Godâs Word is filled with blessings and insights that encourage, comfort, and bring joy. Delve into...
The Believer's Code: 365 Devotions to Unlock the Blessings in God’s Word (The Code Series)
Hawkins, O. S.
hardcover , 2017
For teens who make God an integral part of their lives, teens who are sorting through doubts about whether God really cares about them, and teens who don't...
Chicken Soup for the Christian Teenage Soul: Stories to Open the Hearts of Christian Teens
Canfield, Jack,Hansen, Mark Victor,Kirberger, Kimberly,Aubery, Patty,Autio, Nancy Mitchell
paperback , 2003
Demonstrates how the repetitions of ideas and formal structures function both to reinforce concepts and to achieve ideological progression.Categories:
The Narrative Unity of LukeActs: A Literary Interpretation: Volume Two: The Acts of the Apostles
Tannehill, Robert C.
paperback , 1989
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How can biblical authority be a reality for those shaped by the modern world? This book treats the First World as a mission field, offering a unique perspec...
Foolishness to the Greeks: The Gospel and Western Culture
Newbigin, Lesslie
paperback , 1988
The Daniel Plan is far more than a diet plan. It is an appetizing approach to achieving a healthy lifestyle by optimizing the fiv...
The Daniel Plan: 40 Days to a Healthier Life
Warren, Rick,Amen, Dr. Daniel,Hyman, Dr. Mark
Hardcover , 2013
Elegantly Uniting Single and Double Columns in One Bible Passaggio Setting Bibles elegantly shift between the visual beauty and clarity of a highly reada...
NIV, Thinline Bible, Passaggio Setting, Leathersoft, Brown, Red Letter, Comfort Print: Elegantly uniting single and double columns into one Passaggio Setting Bible design
Imitation Leather , 2021
The way we think and feel about ourselves is one of the most important things about usâaffecting our peace of mind, our creativity, and our ability to eng...
Distorted Images of Self: Restoring Our Vision
Ryan, Dale,Ryan, Juanita
paperback , 2013
This book provides an overview of the grand narrative of the Bible, showing how God's action in the world gives meaning to our lives and provides us with a ...
The True Story of the Whole World: Finding Your Place in the Biblical Drama
Goheen, Michael,Bartholomew, Craig
Paperback , 2020
The understated elegance of the Burgundy Faux Leather Large Print Thinline King James Version Bible with Thumb Index will never go out of fashion, and the t...
Burgundy Faux Leather Large Print Thinline KJV Bible with Thumb Index
Christian Art Gifts
Imitation Leather , 2020
Prayer Is More Than Important--it's Vital. We Have To Do More Than Just Want God To Move In Our Lives, Our Families, Our Nation, And The World. We Must Acti...
The Only Answer Is Prayer: An Intimate Walk with God into the Miraculous
McDowell, William,McMullen, Jason,Grant, Caleb
paperback , 2021
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Youâve turned to othersâ¦youâve turned to Godâ¦but have you tapped into the power within you? Often we find ourselves looking for God to move on our...
The Supernatural You: Living from the Well of God's Spirit Within You
Kunneman, Brenda
Paperback , 2009
Nearly every Christian parent in America would give anything to find a viable resource for developing within their kids a deep, dynamic faith that 'sticks' ...
Sticky Faith: Everyday Ideas to Build Lasting Faith in Your Kids
Powell, Kara,Clark, Chap
Paperback , 2011
We might be relieved if God placed our sanctification only in the hands of trained professionals, but that is not his plan. Instead, through the ministry of...
Instruments in the Redeemer's Hands: People in Need of Change Helping People in Need of Change
Tripp M.DIV. D.Min., Paul David
Paperback , 2002
American Leftovers is the story of Heidi, Eric, and Shaun, three children who follow their parents through eastern Europe on Bible-smuggling adventures in t...
American Leftovers: Surviving Family, Religion, & the American Dream
Messner, Heidi Wilson,Shaun Wilson,Eric Wilson
Paperback , 2023
When You Talk, Are People Changed?
Whether you speak from the pulpit, podium, or the front of a classroom, you don’t need much more than blank stares an...
Communicating for A Change: Seven Keys to Irresistible Communication (North Point Resources)
Andy Stanley,Jones Lane
hardcover , 2006
From your heartâs deepest cry to lifeâs joyful praises, Jesus is in them all!
Knowing Jesus on a deeper, more personal level not only means sharing al...
Jesus Lives, with Full Scriptures: Seeing His Love in Your Life (A 180-Day Devotional)
Young, Sarah
Hardcover , 2012
Few things expose our priorities and values the way money does. Seen through the lens of Scripture, Financial Moments is an insightful guide for how to ma...
Financial Moments with Tom Copland: Biblical Principles that Will Transform How You Manage Money
Copland, Tom
paperback , 2021
Showing 1920-1968 of 2347 Results