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Showing 1536-1584 of 2348 Results
This fortieth-anniversary edition of The Five Points of Calvinism, now with Scripture quotations from the English Standard Version, contains updated source ...
The Five Points of Calvinism: Defined, Defended, and Documented
Steele, David H,Thomas, Curtis C,Quinn, S Lance
Paperback , 2004
Countless preachers have turned to the Zondervan Pastor's Annual to save them time in sermon and service preparation. This tried-and-true resource makes yo...
The Zondervan 2012 Pastor's Annual: An Idea & Resource Book (The Zondervan Pastor's Annual: An Idea and Resource Book)
Crabtree, T
Paperback , 2011
Provides A Modern Retelling, The Biblical Text, And Historical Background Of The Stories Behind Eve, Potiphar's Wife, Lot's Wife, Delilah, And Other Women P...
Bad Girls of the Bible: And What We Can Learn from Them
Higgs, Liz Curtis
Paperback , 2013
Why Canadians Started To Walk Away From Organized Christianity In The 1960s And How That Defection Became An Exodus. Canadians Were Once Church-goers. Durin...
Leaving Christianity: Changing Allegiances in Canada since 1945
Clarke, Brian,Macdonald, Stuart
paperback , 2017
Fuzzy and Coco, the guinea pigs of Strawberry Park, London, are enjoying the spring, cleaning out their hutch and looking forward to the Easter Fair! But th...
Guinea Pigs Online: Bunny Trouble (Guinea PIgs Online, 5)
Swift, Amanda,Gray, Jennifer
Hardcover , 2015
Argues that the Bible predicts that a Middle East crisis will precede the final battle of Armageddon and the second coming of ChristCategories:
Politics &am...
Armageddon Oil and the Middle East Crisis: What the Bible Says About the Future of the Middle East and the End of Western Civilization
Walvoord, John F.
Paperback , 1991
Charles Whitehead, an international leader of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal, encourages us to take a fresh look at the person and promise of the Spirit a...
An Invitation To The Spirit-Filled Life: The Promise, the Power, the Gifts, the Fruit
Whitehead, Charles
Paperback , 2016
Jews, Christians, And Muslims All Believe That Their Scriptures Preserve God's Words To Humanity, And That Those Words Were Spoken Uniquely To Them. In The ...
The Voice, the Word, the Books: The Sacred Scripture of the Jews, Christians, and Muslims
Peters, Francis Edward
Hardcover , 2007
Scott J. Hafemann. Includes Bibliographical References And Indexes.Categories:
Religion & Spirituality
Worship & DevotionFaith
The God of Promise and the Life of Faith: Understanding the Heart of the Bible
Hafemann, Scott J.
Paperback , 2001
You're no idiot, of course. You know what the Book of Genesis is, or at least that it is about Adam, Eve, and an apple. But when it comes to sitting down an...
The Complete Idiot's Guide to the Bible
Campbell, Stan,Bell, James S.
Mass Market Paperback , 1999
Theyâre called The Dones. After devoting a lifetime to their churches, theyâre walking away. Why? Sociologists Josh Packard and Ashleigh Hope reveal th...
Church Refugees: Sociologists reveal why people are DONE with church but not their faith
Packard Ph.D, Josh,Hope, Ashleigh
Hardcover , 2015
Product Description Get Set Free from What Holds You Back!Do you or a family memberâ¦Exhibit anger issues?Suffer mental illness?Have a history of abus...
Breaking Generational Curses: Overcoming the Legacy of Sin in Your Life and Family
Hickey, Marilyn
Paperback , 2020
A clear, engaging description of the six most prevalent models of worship in North American churches, presented by advocates for each position. The contrib...
Six Views on Exploring the Worship Spectrum
Zondervan,Zahl, Dr Paul F. M.
Paperback , 2004
The Bible provides God's solutions for every problem or issue we face in life. But how can you find the most relevant biblical counsel when you need help f...
Biblical Counseling Reference Guide, The: Over 580 Real-Life Topics * More Than 11,000 Relevant Verses
Hunt, June
paperback , 2014
In Teaching and Christian Practices several university professors describe and reflect on their efforts to allow historic Christian practices to reshape and...
Teaching and Christian Practices: Reshaping Faith and Learning
Smith, David I.,Smith, James K.A.
paperback , 2011
Unlock the Male Mystery
Guys will be guys. And now girls can know what that means! For Young Women Only dives into the mysterious inner-workings of the te...
For Young Women Only: What You Need to Know About How Guys Think
Feldhahn, Shaunti; Rice, Lisa A.
Hardcover , 2006
When you last struggled with grief, pain, shock, confusion, or suffering, did you find yourself asking, "Where is God?", "Why did this happen?", or "What di...
I Didn't See That Coming!: Experiencing the Shepherd Heart of God When Life Hurts Unexpectedly
Stanley, Wendy
Paperback , 2022
The invitation of this book is for my readers who are Christian to consider the dimension of harm in the ongoing debates on affirming or not affirming sexua...
Misguided Love: Christians and the Rupture of LGBTQI2+ People
Fensham, Charles James
Paperback , 2019
Cults like Mormonism, Jehovah's Witnesses, and the New Age movement are ensnaring people by the millions. Why do so many flock to these perversions of Chris...
Correcting the Cults: Expert Responses to Their Scripture Twisting
Geisler, Norman L.,Rhodes, Ron
paperback , 2005
The Bible never discusses midlife, just like it never discusses teenagers. Yet the Bible is able to address any of life s experiences because it was written...
Lost in the Middle: Mid-Life Crisis and the Grace of God
Tripp M.DIV. D.Min., Paul David
Paperback , 2004
Four centuries in the making, a monumental undertaking and a magnificent achievement, the first definitive Catholic Catechism since the Council of Trent i...
Catechism of the Catholic Church: Complete and Updated
U.S. Catholic Church
Mass Market Paperback , 1995
Showing 1536-1584 of 2348 Results