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Showing 1-48 of 456 Results
From the award-winning author of Imperial Life in the Emerald City, a riveting, intimate account of Americaâs troubled war in Afghanistan. When President ...
Little America: The War Within the War for Afghanistan
Chandrasekaran, Rajiv
hardcover , 2012
Coming of age during World War I and attaining their finest hour in World War II and the Cold War, these men FDR, Truman, Eisenhower, Marshall, MacArthu...
In The Time Of The Americans: FDR, Truman, Eisenhower, Marshall, MacArthur-The Generation That Changed America 's Role in the World
Fromkin, David
Paperback , 1996
Displaying Gleaming New Shopping Centers And Refurbished Row Houses, Harlem Today Bears Little Resemblance To The Neighborhood Of The Midcentury Urban Crisi...
The Roots of Urban Renaissance: Gentrification and the Struggle over Harlem
Goldstein, Brian D.
Hardcover , 2017
Higher education hails Asian American students as model minorities who face no educational barriers given their purported cultural values of hard work and p...
An Unseen Unheard Minority: Asian American Students at the University of Illinois
Lee, Sharon S.
paperback , 2021
A mesmerizing biography of the brilliant and eccentric medical innovator who revolutionized American surgery and founded the countryâs most famous museum...
Dr. Mutter's Marvels: A True Tale of Intrigue and Innovation at the Dawn of Modern Medicine
O'Keefe Aptowicz, Cristin
Paperback , 2015
INSTANT NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER\An urgent warning about the growing threat to our democracy from a twenty-year police veteran and former Trump supporter w...
Hold the Line: The Insurrection and One Cop's Battle for America's Soul
Fanone, Michael,Shiffman, John
hardcover , 2022
**the National Bestseller** From The Acclaimed, Bestselling Author Of Turn Right At Machu Picchu, A Fascinating, Wild, And Wonder-filled Journey Into Alaska...
Tip of the Iceberg: My 3,000-Mile Journey Around Wild Alaska, the Last Great American Frontier
Adams, Mark
Paperback , 2019
Reading Like A True-crime Novel, This History Of The Vice District And Gang Wars Of New York's Chinatown From The 1890s Through The 1930s Describes The Wide...
Tong Wars: The Untold Story of Vice, Money, and Murder in New York's Chinatown
Seligman, Scott D.
Hardcover , 2016
In the summer of 1846, the Army of the West marched through Santa Fe, en route to invade and occupy the Western territories claimed by Mexico. Fueled by t...
Blood and Thunder: The Epic Story of Kit Carson and the Conquest of the American West
Sides, Hampton
Paperback , 2007
The knockdown, drag-out, untold story of the other scandal that rocked Nixon's White House, and reset the rules for crooked presidents to come-with new repo...
Bag Man: The Wild Crimes, Audacious Cover-Up, and Spectacular Downfall of a Brazen Crook in the White House
Maddow, Rachel,Yarvitz, Michael
Hardcover , 2020
A Chinese American woman tells of the Chinese myths, family stories and events of her California childhood that have shaped her identity.
The Woman Warrior: Memoirs of a Girlhood Among Ghosts
Kingston, Maxine Hong
Paperback , 1989
From New York Times Bestselling Historian H. W. Brands, The Epic Struggle Over Slavery As Embodied By John Brown And Abraham Lincoln, Two Men With Radically...
The Zealot and the Emancipator: John Brown, Abraham Lincoln, and the Struggle for American Freedom
Brands, H. W.
Hardcover , 2020
Chapter I The Scottish Rite's Prehistory / The Genesis And Genius Of Freemasonry 3 -- Chapter Ii First Light, 1801-1826 / Mitchell, Dalcho, Auld 25 -- Chapt...
Lodge of the Double-Headed Eagle: Two Centuries of Scottish Rite Freemasonry in America's Southern Jurisdiction
WILLIAM, FOX,Fox, William
Hardcover , 1999
Discover the definitive book on the Menendez caseâand the primary source material for NBCâs Law and Order True Crime: The Menendez Murders. A successf...
The Menendez Murders: The Shocking Untold Story of the Menendez Family and the Killings that Stunned the Nation
Rand, Robert
Paperback , 2018
In this spellbinding account of the real facts of the Central Park jogger case, Sarah Burns powerfully reexamines one of New York City's most notorious crim...
The Central Park Five: The Untold Story Behind One of New York City's Most Infamous Crimes
Burns, Sarah
Paperback , 2012
The New York Times Bestseller!#1 NYT bestselling author Michael Savage calls out the mass hysteria mongers and their methods, and shows Americans that we m...
Stop Mass Hysteria: America's Insanity from the Salem Witch Trials to the Trump Witch Hunt
Savage, Michael
Paperback , 2019
NewOut of stock
In this spellbinding account of the real facts of the Central Park jogger case, Sarah Burns powerfully reexamines one of New York City's most notorious crim...
The Central Park Five: The Untold Story Behind One of New York City's Most Infamous Crimes
Burns, Sarah
paperback , 2012
Pot Shards is a memoir, based on the author's memorable experiences. Donald P. Gregg spent thirty-one years as an operations officer in CIA and ten years in...
Pot Shards: Fragments of a Life Lived in CIA, the White House, and the Two Koreas
Gregg, Donald P.
paperback , 2014
Showing 1-48 of 456 Results