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Showing 1-16 of 16 Results
What is eBPF? With this revolutionary technology, you can write custom code that dynamically changes the way the kernel behaves. It's an extraordinary platf...
Learning eBPF: Programming the Linux Kernel for Enhanced Observability, Networking, and Security
Rice, Liz
Paperback , 2023
Docker is rapidly changing the way organizations deploy software at scale. However, understanding how Linux containers fit into your workflowâand getting...
Docker: Up & Running: Shipping Reliable Containers in Production
Kane, Sean P.,Matthias, Karl
Paperback , 2018
Leverage Kubernetes For The Rapid Adoption Of Emerging Technologies. Kubernetes Is The Future Of Enterprise Platform Development And Has Become The Most Pop...
Advanced Platform Development with Kubernetes: Enabling Data Management, the Internet of Things, Blockchain, and Machine Learning
Johnston, Craig
Paperback , 2020
Device drivers literally drive everything you're interested in--disks, monitors, keyboards, modems--everything outside the computer chip and memory. And wri...
Linux Device Drivers: Where the Kernel Meets the Hardware
Corbet, Jonathan,Rubini, Alessandro,Kroah-Hartman, Greg
Paperback , 2005
A beginner's guide to Windows Me describes the features and functions of Microsoft's newest version of their popular Windows operating system, including enh...
Dan Gookin Teaches Microsoft Windows Millennium Edition (The Author Teaches Series)
Gookin, Dan
Paperback , 2000
Python is an ideal language for solving problems, especially in Linux and Unix networks. With this pragmatic book, administrators can review various tasks t...
Python for Unix and Linux System Administration
Gift, Noah,Jones, Jeremy M.
Paperback , 2008
Showing 1-16 of 16 Results