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Showing 20880-20928 of 25230 Results
'tannehill Does A Fine Analysis Of Narrative Plot And Characters, In Close Dialogue And Continuity With Previous Lucan Scholarship...' --william S. Kurz, S....
The Narrative Unity of Luke-Acts: A Literary Interpretation, Vol. 1: The Gospel According to Luke (Foundations and Facets) (English and Greek Edition)
Tannehill, Robert C.
paperback , 1991
Demonstrates how the repetitions of ideas and formal structures function both to reinforce concepts and to achieve ideological progression.Categories:
The Narrative Unity of LukeActs: A Literary Interpretation: Volume Two: The Acts of the Apostles
Tannehill, Robert C.
paperback , 1989
Officially Licensed, The National Baseball Hall Of Fame Collection Gathers Biographies, Statistics, And Photos Of Over 175 Members Of The Most Exclusive Clu...
The National Baseball Hall of Fame Collection: Celebrating the Game's Greatest Players
Buckley Jr., James
Hardcover , 2020
The Entire History Of The Geographic, Focusing On The Guiding Personalities Behind It--from Gardiner Greene Hubbard And Alexander Graham Bell To Three Gener...
The National Geographic Society: 100 years of adventure and discovery
Courtlandt Dixon Barnes Bryan
hardcover , 1987
The Natural Solution To Diabetes: Featuring The 10 Percent Plan
Laliberte, Richard,Harper, Pat,Petit, William A.
hardcover , 2004
Describes the wide variety of patterns found throughout the plant and animal world including the petals of flowers, stripes of zebras, and scales of conesCa...
The Nature and Science of Patterns (Exploring the science of nature)
Burton, Jane,Taylor, Kim
Library Binding , 1998
A pioneering revolutionary prescriptionfor the health and long life of your petsFor two decades, Dr. Martin Goldstein--America's most successful, renowned...
The Nature of Animal Healing: The Definitive Holistic Medicine Guide to Caring for Your Dog and Cat
Goldstein D.V.M., Martin
Paperback , 2000
For the past forty years The Nature of Narrative has been a seminal work for literary students, teachers, writers, and scholars. Countering the tendency to...
The Nature of Narrative: Revised and Expanded
Scholes, Robert,Phelan, James,Kellogg, Robert
Paperback , 2006
#1 New York Times Bestseller
Edith Hahn was an outspoken young woman in Vienna when the Gestapo forced her into a ghetto and then into a slave labor camp. ...
The Nazi Officer's Wife: How One Jewish Woman Survived the Holocaust
Beer, Edith Hahn,Dworkin, Susan
paperback , 2015
Admissions rates of 6 percent? Kids applying to thirty-two colleges? Sixteen-year-olds with more impressive resumes than Fortune 500 CEOs? Has the nation lo...
The Neurotic Parent's Guide to College Admissions: Strategies for Helicoptering, Hot-housing & Micromanaging
Rothman, J.D.
Paperback , 2012
NewOut of stock
The New Artisan Bread in Five Minutes a Day is a fully revised and updated edition of the bestselling, ground-breaking, and revolutionary approach to bread...
The New Artisan Bread in Five Minutes a Day: The Discovery That Revolutionizes Home Baking
Hertzberg M.D., Jeff,François, Zoë
Hardcover , 2013
The greatest gift any child can receive is an introduction to Jesus Christ and an understanding of His unconditional love. Parents and friends can give thes...
The New Bible in Pictures for Little Eyes Gift Edition
Annabel Spenceley,Kenneth Taylor
hardcover , 2004
Showing 20880-20928 of 25230 Results